Epipolar Transformers (best paper award, CVPR 2020 workshop)
Yihui He, Rui Yan, Katerina Fragkiadaki, Shoou-I Yu (Carnegie Mellon University, Facebook Reality Labs)
CVPR 2020, CVPR workshop Best Paper Award
Oral presentation and human pose demo videos (playlist):
We also provide 2D to 3D lifting network implementations for these two papers:
(Human 3.6M)configs/lifting/img_lifting_rot.yaml
(Human 3.6M)configs/lifting/lifting_direct.yaml
(RHD)Python 3, pytorch > 1.2+ and pytorch < 1.4
pip install -r requirements.txt
conda install pytorch cudatoolkit=10.0 -c pytorch
mkdir outs
cd datasets/
bash get_pretrained_models.sh
Please follow the instructions in datasets/README.md
for preparing the dataset
python main.py --cfg path/to/config
tensorboard --logdir outs/
Testing with latest checkpoints
python main.py --cfg configs/xxx.yaml DOTRAIN False
Testing with weights
python main.py --cfg configs/xxx.yaml DOTRAIN False WEIGHTS xxx.pth
python main.py --cfg configs/epipolar/keypoint_h36m.yaml DOTRAIN False DOTEST False EPIPOLAR.VIS True VIS.H36M True SOLVER.IMS_PER_BATCH 1
python main.py --cfg configs/epipolar/keypoint_h36m.yaml DOTRAIN False DOTEST False VIS.MULTIVIEWH36M True EPIPOLAR.VIS True SOLVER.IMS_PER_BATCH 1
# generate images
python main.py --cfg configs/epipolar/keypoint_h36m_zresidual_fixed.yaml DOTRAIN False DOTEST True VIS.VIDEO True DATASETS.H36M.TEST_SAMPLE 2
# generate images
python main.py --cfg configs/benchmark/keypoint_h36m.yaml DOTRAIN False DOTEST True VIS.VIDEO True DATASETS.H36M.TEST_SAMPLE 2
# use https://github.com/yihui-he/multiview-human-pose-estimation-pytorch to generate images for ICCV 19
python run/pose2d/valid.py --cfg experiments-local/mixed/resnet50/256_fusion.yaml # set test batch size to 1 and PRINT_FREQ to 2
# generate video
python scripts/video.py --src outs/epipolar/keypoint_h36m_fixed/video/multiview_h36m_val/
If you find Epipolar Transformers helps your research, please cite the paper:
title={Epipolar Transformers},
author={He, Yihui and Yan, Rui and Fragkiadaki, Katerina and Yu, Shoou-I},
booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
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